Warta Industri

  • Pipa insulated vakum: Teknologi utama kanggo nambah efisiensi energi

    Pipa insulated vakum: Teknologi utama kanggo nambah efisiensi energi

    Definisi lan prinsip pipa terisolasi vakum vakum (VIP) minangka teknologi penebat termal sing digunakake digunakake ing lapangan kayata gas alam industri (LNG) lan transportasi gas industri. Prinsip inti kalebu ...
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  • Tes suhu rendah ing test final chip

    Sadurunge chip godhong pabrik, kudu dikirim menyang pabrik pabrik profesional lan tes (tes pungkasan). A large package & test factory has hundreds or thousands of test machines, chips in the test machine to undergo high and low temperature inspection, only passed the test chi...
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  • Desain hosis fleksibel lomboh anyar cryogenik

    Pipa sendi mundhut panas saka pipis terisolasi cryogenik utamane ilang liwat sendi. Desain cryogenic sendi nyoba ngupayakake bocor bocor panas lan kinerja penyusup sing bisa dipercaya. Gabungan Cryogenik dipérang dadi sendhi gabungan lan sambungan Convave, ana struktur panyegelan dobel ...
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  • Desain selang fleksibel vakum sing anyar ing salah siji

    Kanthi pangembangan kapasitas nglakokake roket cryogenik, syarat tingkat aliran propellant propellant uga tambah akeh. Cairan conveying ceram conveying pipa minangka peralatan sing penting ing lapangan Aerospace, sing digunakake ing sistem pamulihan propellant. Ing suhu rendah ...
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  • Analisis pirang-pirang pitakon babagan transportasi pipa cryogenik (1)

    Introduction With the development of cryogenic technology, cryogenic liquid products have been playing an important role in many fields such as national economy, national defense and scientific research. Aplikasi saka cairan cair adhedhasar adhedhasar panyimpenan lan aman ...
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  • Analisis pirang-pirang pitakon babagan transportasi pipa cryogenik (2)

    Geyser phenomenon Geyser phenomenon refers to the eruption phenomenon caused by the cryogenic liquid being transported down the vertical long pipe (referring to the length-diameter ratio reaching a certain value) due to the bubbles produced by the vaporization of the liquid, and the polymerizatio. ..
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  • Analisis pirang-pirang pitakon babagan transportasi pipa cryogenic (3)

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  • Transportasi hidrogen cair

    Storage and transportation of liquid hydrogen is the basis of safe, efficient, large-scale and low-cost application of liquid hydrogen, and also the key to solve the application of hydrogen technology route. Panyimpen lan transportasi hidrogen cairan bisa dipérang dadi rong jinis: contai ...
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  • Utilisasi energi hidrogen

    Minangka sumber energi nol karbon, energi hidrogen wis narik kawigaten perhatian ing saindenging jagad. At present, the industrialization of hydrogen energy is faced with many key problems, especially the large-scale, low-cost manufacturing and long-distance transportation technologies, which have been the bott...
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  • Riset industri molekuler Molekin (MBE) Sistem Sistem Sistem: Status pasar lan tren mbesuk ing 2022

    Riset industri molekuler Molekin (MBE) Sistem Sistem Sistem: Status pasar lan tren mbesuk ing 2022

    Teknologi Epitoris Iplulik Molekul Dikembangake dening loncat laboratorium ing wiwitan taun 1970-an kanthi cara metode deposisi vakum lan ...
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  • Warta Industri

    Warta Industri

    A professional organization has boldly put forward the conclusion that cosmetic packaging materials generally account for 70% of the cost through research, and the importance of packaging materials in the cosmetic OEM process is self-evident. Desain Produk minangka integral ...
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  • Kendaraan Pengangkutan Cairan Crimogenik

    Kendaraan Pengangkutan Cairan Crimogenik

    Cryogenic liquids may be no strangers to everyone, in the liquid methane, ethane, propane, propylene, etc., all belong to the category of cryogenic liquids, such cryogenic liquids not only belong to flammable and explosive products, but also belong to low- Suhu ...
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